Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why I hate Monday’s

Yesterday my head was swimming---vision was blurry and there was a constant ringing in my ears---well not really but, I wanted to get the paragraph warmed up.  Yesterday I was waiting for one of my Escrows to either get going or fall apart and it was raining and the roof on my house was leaking.

Proactive or Reactive?  I really should have told the roofer to start 3 months ago when I got the estimate but, for reasons unknown I thought it could wait---or I thought I would do it next week and then other stuff started to pile up and all of the sudden---my roof problem wasn't a problem when it is sunny.

So—if that wasn't enough---I went to one of my houses to check on it---I drive up and the neighbor asked me if I was keeping a dog in the backyard.  I told her that I was not keeping a dog there as I only visit the property once a month or so…..my curiosity is peaked and I go into the backyard---I see paint cans stacked up outside the garage door---*strange*---I move the paint cans and peek inside.  As I open up the door I see a huge head and two eyes looking at me.  It was a 4 month old Pit Bull!!!  Some piece of shit person locked a puppy in my garage and left it there.  The neighbor said that she heard it crying for the last two cold nights---I have not been to property in about a week so who knows how long that poor little guy was stuck in there with no food and water.

Anyhow—I got him out and as he was shivering with fear gave him some water and affection.  As I was petting him---I realized that he had scars on his face and legs---it looks like the guy who left him there to die had fought him.  The dog gradually  warmed up to me pretty quick as I think he knew I just saved his life.  Luckily the neighbor said she knew a guy who has been looking for a pit bull puppy.  We called the guy and he came and got his new pup.  So far so good.

I was a little shaken by that as well as the idea that I had to get on my Spanish tile roof and try to fix my leak without falling off the house and breaking up my tiles.  I went to Home Depot and bought some plastic, mastic, and a headlamp for working in the dark---well----got everything in my truck but, left the headlamp at the store—realized it when it was getting dark----after home depot—sent to Vons and bought some food and two pallets of water----well---got the food in my truck but, left the water at the store.

Never—ever have done this before let alone two times in two hours---I guess that dog thing bothered me more than I realized.  Lets hope we can get on with this escrow so I can get up to the cabin and do some boarding.

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